Even though it was a Thursday night, that didn't stop the celebration for the release of the first record from The World Record (above) in six years from going on for hours. Radio Free Silver Lake hosted the giant show that featured four bands on the main stage and three other bands doing acoustic turns over in the corner between sets. And a huge crowd of well-wishers turned out on a week night to pick up copies of this hot new album. (I've listened to my copy and it's a superb record)
Our attention was drawn to the digital shirt that was illuminating itself in time to the music on lead singer Nic Garcia. I enjoy the harmonizing they've been polishing with John and Kaitlin on key songs. They were in their usual tip-top form, even adding a trumpet player for the evening.
I actually feared for Kaitlin (at left) after Aaron told me he built the floating house in his gallery and then couldn't get it out the door because it was too big. He had to remove the roof and re-attach it at the Echoplex before the show, so it was held together with tape and hope. Fortunately there were no earthquakes (or twisters).
The sets were somewhat abbreviated to accommodate all the acts performing and the party atmosphere made one want to wander around and socialize. So I managed to miss The Damselles and the TC4 by hanging out on the patio and being taken to the green room. I was out front for the beginning of The World Record and, even though I've seen this band many times over the years. They sounded like a hot, new band, full of energy and enthusiasm.
It reminded me of the first time I saw them. It was at a Henry Clay People show (bash!) at Spaceland in April, 2009, and it was late, I was hanging out with Evan and Brett Marie Way and Brett said I had to stay to hear The World Record even though it was probably 12:30 in the morning. But I stayed and Brett Marie was right, they blew me away. Such harmonies! Such classic sounding pop songs! Very similar to The Parson Red Heads, but definitely their own band.
It all came back last Thursday night as they dominated the stage of Echoplex, even adding solid back up as the set progressed. Great new songs from the album included the title tune, "Freeway Special", "Be Nice" and "Cats On the Roof" and "We're #1" but one of the highlights was when I was taken backstage to watch from the wings. What a treat! I could really observe just how much hard work goes into making them soar. Ther were definitely number 1 tonight.
And soar they did, with Andy Creighton in strong voice, backed up by Aaron and then a brass section which added so much pizazz to the music, it just swept you up. Of course the sterling guitars of Andy and Aaron have always been a powerful component in their compositions. The shot above shows The Damselles on stage with them.
my photos, too.
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