Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Radio Free Silver Lake To Start Up Live Shows Again

I'm happy to announce that Radio Free Silver Lake is back in the Show Business again, and beginning in November, will be presenting a monthly residency every Tuesday at LaBrie's in Glendale (formerly: The Scene).

Joe Fielder is the mastermind behind this, and with the help of Kathryn Pinto and myself, we've managed, somehow, to get the ball rolling. One of our very favorite bands, The Californian, stepped in to be our first 'Band of the Month', and put together this first seductive schedule and sexy poster.

We feature three bands per night, so let's not hear any "Oh, it's so far to go and too late for me to be out on a school/work night" bitching. You could be home by 12:30AM. So let's all go out and support 'my favorite blog' on November 2nd to see The Californian, Death To Anders and Alpine Decline.

Subsequent weeks offer great support by George Glass, The Sweet Hurt, Le Switch and many more. We have a lot of great bands in the pipeline to be future hosts and hope we can make this into a permanent Los Angeles fixture. I'll be there every Tuesday in November, so drop by and say 'hello'.


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